Musical Reflections #10 – Ideal World


When people ask me about my musical taste, I usually say that it is varied. I am sure that if you have read the rest of my Musical Reflection series you would agree. (Apart from having two songs from ‘Wings’ which surprised me.)

Normally, I might like one or two songs from a group or singer, and this next song is the same. When I first heard ‘Ideal World’ by ‘The Christians,’ I thought it was a lovely song so I listened to more of their tracks. Apart from one or two others, this was my favourite. It’s full of thought provoking lyrics that can mean many things, although it speaks mainly of being oppressed because of colour, it can also mean oppression in general.

To me it speaks many meanings including those misunderstood or mistreated for a variety of reasons. Although an ‘Ideal world’ might be too much to ask, perhaps just a more understanding and tolerant one will be achievable.

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