Procrastination Gets You Nowhere

I have recently been watching some TED talks on YouTube. I though that it would be good for me to replace my recent obsession with old Charlie Chan movies with something more enlightening. For anyone who doesn’t know, TED talks are lectures given by some amazing people with a good story to tell.


I came across some interesting lectures including a number of people talking about inspirational thinking. One person in particular, wasn’t talking so much about being inspirational, but rather how much he procrastinates. Tim Urban was talking about how he has always left things until the last minute, and then had to rush to get things finished in time. He said that deadlines were his savior, as the ‘fear monster’ would show up.

I found what he said fascinating, especially when he talked about two types of procrastinator, those with deadlines, and those without. I have to say that I have never usually had a problem with deadlines, I can normally work out what needs doing in time. However, with things that have no deadline, I am a classic procrastinator.

I think that this is one of the reasons I haven’t been so proactive with my writing before. There was always ‘tomorrow’ to get started or to push harder at what I was doing. It wasn’t until my mum died nearly two years ago, that I started to focus on what was important in life.

I think I am still a little guilty of procrastination, but I am trying to push it aside and become more confident and focused on what I want from life.

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